

Great news!!

We’ve expanded our testing materials and are more than ready to help YOU better understand YOUR child!!

Unsure of whether your child could benefit from testing? Call in today to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation!!

Behavior Intervention Manual (BIM)//Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM)

Is your child currently participating in Distance Learning? Are you feeling stuck or unsure of how to better help your child at home? Pictured are two examples of excellent resources that you as a parent/provider should feel comfortable getting acquainted with, as these are the very same resources that school staff/administrators utilize while problem-solving! 

The Behavior Intervention Manual (BIM) contains 252 behaviors (that may be problematic/of concern), along with very specific goals, objectives, and most importantly, interventions to try!

The Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM) lists 250 of the most common learning and behavior problems encountered in the educational environment, along with very detailed interventions to consider!

While reviewing the interventions, please consider the individual needs of your child and feel free to modify them according to the current environmental change (at school vs at home).

Trust in yourself. You have the knowledge and experience that makes you the perfect candidate to sift through these interventions, implement them, understand them via trial and error, and most importantly, learn and grow alongside your child. 

If you need help or are unsure of how to proceed, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to support you and your family on your journey.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 is observed today, 09/10/2020. 

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention shared that Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. The foundation estimates that there are approximately an average of 123 suicides per day, and while we are currently experiencing and living through a pandemic (COVID-19), many individuals remain at risk. This post is to honor and bring awareness, along with some resources:

US: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Calls: Free and confidential
Hours: Available 24 hours
Languages: English, Spanish
24/7 online chat:

Alternative crisis text hotline:
Text HOME to 741741 (24/7)

Self-Injury Outreach and Support is an international outreach organization offering a variety of resources for those who self-injure, including guides, stories, and methods for day-to-day coping. (

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is an online resource that helps parents and educators raise awareness about youth suicide and attempted suicide through the development and promotion of educational training programs. (

NON-US: Please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention website:

Becks Depression Inventory, 2nd edition (BDI-II)

Pictured is an example of an assessment measure that we are trained to administer, score, and interpret both in-person and via telepractice. 
Not sure if you can make it into the office? Not local? Have time constraints (e.g. work, familial responsibilities)? Posting today to remind potential clients that APS is able to provide consultation, assessment, and treatment via telehealth for individuals all throughout the state of California!
Get in touch now to learn more!

IEP & Special Education

Need help navigating the IEP process? Have questions about Special Education? APS is proud to share that we have our Pupil Personnel Services credential in School Psychology and are qualified to inform and advocate on behalf of your family.

Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC)

Are you curious to learn about the personality type of your seven to eighteen-year-old and how you might be able to better help your child learn/communicate effectively in school and at home? The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) is an instrument that we can use to help determine the psychological type and learning styles. Schedule a consultation to see if this instrument is suitable for your needs today!

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